This Little Piglet

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Perhaps it was the thoughts of yesterday's excesses. Perhaps it was just the random draw of the rabbit hole. But I think there is another reason these little escaped piglets have come to my attention...

Picture: Wild Life Prints on Etsy

If I was an escaped piglet, I think I would want to go on an Expedition... maybe to find something tasty to eat...

Picture: The Terrier and the Lobster

Or maybe two somethings...

Picture: Trissalicious

And a cup of tea to go with them...

Picture: Honey and Jam

Or just enjoy some good company and go for a little pootle...

Picture: E.H. Shepard via The Mookse and the Gripes

You could also combine your pigs and your tea cups... possibly ill-advisedly so...

Picture: Geoff Robinsons

Or you could simply bask in the sheer enjoyment of helping a piglet escape...

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