Proposing A (French) Toast

Friday, August 13, 2010

While pondering the popularity of penguins yesterday, I made an intriguing discovery via Design Sponge. It doesn’t involve any penguins* but, even better, it’s chocolate. Just when I was starting to think that intriguing flavourings were only available if you went to Japan, and that it was compulsory to include either bacon or peanuts (or, heaven forbid, bacon and peanuts) in anything combining sweet and savoury...

Picture: Komforte Chockolates, available here

This is remarkable on several fronts (and rears, quite probably). French toast, even given the alarming propensity for people to consider it a sweet dish, is something I’ve never seen combined with chocolate in any way, shape or form**. The ramen could be considered to fall within the ambit of any Japanese food being able to have an alternative incarnation in candy, and the tortilla and lime is perhaps along the lines of lime and black pepper potato chips, or the tendency for some Mexican dishes to include chocolate. Not that those two flavours are run-of-the-mill, just that they’re not quite as fabulous as the thought of French toast flavoured chocolate.
Even including cinnamon, it’s finally an admission that French toast really is savoury... Plus, it caters to cravings for starchy tastes, rather than taking the carnivorous path (like all that bacon!) so often seen when combining sweet and savoury flavours.

And it’s beautifully designed and made in small batches, not done as some sort of humorous gimmick. Did I mention it’s French toast? With chocolate! I’m not always convinced that combining two wonderful foods actually will produce some sort of greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts superfood, but I would definitely be keen to try this out.

I wonder if it would taste better with ketchup...?

Book: from Amazon

* Although, if I had my way, it would involve at least one penguin. Ok, and the other penguin as well. But I suspect he might regard it with suspicion...
** Having said which, if I look, I’m sure I will be hit by a veritable deluge of recipes. There should be some sort of collective noun for recipes... a gluttony of recipes? A hunger of recipes? Hmmm – thoughts for another day...

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