Hundreds And Thousands... Of Shoes

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I might sometimes convince myself that almost everything I want to wear is black... and then sometimes my inner ballroom dancer* escapes. And spies things like these shoes...

Shoes: Kate Spade

Don't you think they'd be good to dress up something black?

There are sparkly Louboutins too, but while they seem a little glitzy, the Kate Spade ones are just like the shoe equivalent of fairy bread. Perfect!

Picture: I Ate Brisbane

* Inner ballroom dancer? Well, maybe it's more the outer one starts dressing like they're on the dance floor. All the time. I occasionally also like to convince myself this justifies a number of potentially questionable fashion proclivities (the line between dresses and tops, for instance, and wearing leggings in a non-gym-related context). I suspect denial may be involved...

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