Nouvelle Cuisine

Saturday, August 7, 2010

There's been another frenzied attack of the literalisms, following some pootline round on Tastespotting (such a great site, but as dangerous as grocery shopping when peckish). I came across this dish under the title "Quail in Muscatel"...

Picture: Food Gal

And a little thought crept out...

"I didn't know quails were that small... Oh. Right. I see..."

It does look tasty, though. Theoretically tasty, that is - quails are on the "too cute to eat" list. Mostly because I saw them in a pet shop long before I saw them on a menu.

Nattie on August 8, 2010 at 5:49 PM

LOL! True, feel a bit iffy about eating quail, the first time I ate it, they told me it was a small chicken :P but man it was tasted so good ;) but don't think I'll be eating it anytime soon, as it's just "too cute to eat" ;P

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