Too. Much. Food!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

When you’ve eaten until you’re about to burst your pippity pop, and are lying in a lethargic heap on a couch / sun lounger / hammock / assorted comfy corner of your choice, then thinking about even more turkey and cake is probably the last thing you would want to contemplate.

But there are these. They look the part, and are completely guilt free...

Inflatable turkey
Inflatable turkey from Fred Flare

Inflatable fruitcake
Inflatable fruit cake (it has its own website... now that really is specialising!)

They might make a bit of a statement down at the beach. Or they could be a passing nod to tradition while you get stuck into smoked salmon, prawns, sausage rolls, roast duck, pavlova, trifle (or even brownies) – whatever sort of celebratory food you might prefer*. And as for bursting your pippity pop, well... pins might be just a little too risky with this sort of a Christmas dinner.

* Although penguins love turkey. Don’t know what to do with all those leftovers? Pass them across to your nearest garbage disposal penguin...

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