All That Glitters

Friday, December 17, 2010

On the fifth day of Christmas my penguin gave to me…
Five golden pastries,
Four wobbling jellies,
Three French badgers,
Two turtle bars,
And a pelican in a pear tree

Gold jewellery just isn't really me... silver (or even platinum, given half a chance) just goes better with the monochromatic penguin colour scheme. Sparkly things, even more so. But gold certainly has its place. Like in pastries...

very-vanilla butter sponge cake from Sweetapolita
Very-vanilla butter sponge cake from Sweetapolita

chocolate caramel tart from Phuocn Delicious
Chocolate caramel tart from Phuocn Delicious

Coach cupcake from Le Petit Brioche
Coach cupcakes from Le Petit Brioche (combining food and handbags... oooh!)

Devil's food cupcakes from Fake Ginger
Devil's food cupcakes from Fake Ginger

Gold macarons by Marni for Laduree
And, perhaps leaving the most luxuriant until last... gold macarons by Marni for Laduree via The Frisky

Good things really do come in small cake boxes!

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