Hang On A Mo
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
On the tenth day of Christmas my penguin gave to me...
Ten bores with bristles,
Nine penguins dancing,
Eight milk bottles,
Eight milk bottles,
Seven owls (just seven?),
Six roasted chickens,
Five golden pastries,
Four wobbling jellies,
Three French badgers,
Two turtle bars,
And a pelican in a pear tree
Not boars with bristles. Boars, wild or otherwise, are inevitably going to be bristly. No, these are bores with bristles. Another day, another place to put a fake moustache. What is, in its real version, mostly confined to sponsored efforts a month or so ago has sprouted all over the interwebs, out into real life, and pops up in new and ever-more-unexpected places*.
Moustache on a stick from Something's Hiding Here on Etsy
And it's not quite like you can call it a trend. Those tend to come along quietly, make a lot of noise very quickly and then disappear. Note the bit about disappearing. Whereas those moustaches have been hanging around since at least 2008, and seem to not being showing many signs of abating. Despite sadly premature prophesies that they'd jumped the shark.
This isn't so much an if-you-can't-beat-them-join-them effort as much as a series of oh-wow-they've-even-put-one-there moments...
Of course, like almost any trend, there are the edible versions. Available in large...
Moustache faux bois cake from Cake Hero
... and small versions...
Moustache cupcakes from Sprinkle Bakes (these have the added bonus of getting the moustache to be on a stick, and edible)
Or the drinkable form...
"Tom Selleck" cocktail via Urlesque. Maybe it'll overtake cocktail umbrellas...
You can stick them on the walls (love the frame, if not the mo)...
Moustache necklace (framed) via Conversation Pieces (originally from Funkey Finds on Etsy)
They can have rather more practical applications (although, while they look beautifully made, I just don't like the idea of shaking my salt or pepper out of a moustache if I think about it too long)...
Moustache cruet from Paper Doll Wood Shop on Etsy
Keeping with the handmade approach, you can even get started with moustaches long before being old enough to grow one for youself...
Moustache pull toy from Seven Acre Toys (part of me thinks they're kind of cute - perhaps because I've not been deluged with this particular variety (yet) - and part of me thinks of being in therapy later on... "I just have these nightmares where a moustache is following me and I don't know how to stop it!")
Or you could
Moustache onesie from Handsome Howard on Etsy via Glamour This!
Or you can wear one yourself...
Moustache necklace from Tatty Devine
Even your feet can now be adorned with a little fake mo (this also from the bridal blogosphere, which seems to have a disproportionate and utterly mystifying love of moustache paraphenalia - especially in photo booths. Strapless white dress. Check. Matching bridesmaids in multiples of a prime number. Check. Moustaches on sticks. Check!).
Moustache shoe clips from Rock 'n Roll Bride via Bridalhood**. Pitchfork optional...
You could use your moustaches to achieve... enlightenment...
Moustache lights via Lady Moustache
And if you thought there was nowhere left for them to infiltrate, there are even moustaches available on battenburg cake! Stuffed battenberg cakes...
Battenburg cake from Sweet English Suzy on Etsy
And I know that's actually eleven, not the promised ten. But, much like those moustaches, I just don't know when to stop!
* A little like Whack A Mole. And just as hard to stop. But not as much fun...
** After you finally escape wedding blogs (except for A Practical Wedding, which is interesting quite apart from any impending nuptials of varying proximity), you end up straight back where you started with one quick google image search!