At Least It Isn’t Fried

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

If you’re already struggling to stay on the bandwagon of New Year’s healthy eating resolutions, it might be a good idea to look away now*. Some people mostly crave sweet snacks (chocoholics, unite!), while others favour salty morsels, but there are more and more ways to combine the two. Bacon cupcakes. Salted caramel. Pretzel M&Ms.

This one is a little more dramatic, if also a little more style-over-substance in its combination of sweetness and saltiness...

French fries pound cake via Lushlee
French fries pound cake via Lushlee (I love the tomato ketchup detail!)

What it lacks in not being fried, I suspect it more than makes up for in the sugar and butter department. Or is it better to have your food-disguised-as-other-food at least have the appearance of being healthy? I wonder if it also carries a double serving of guilt? Especially in January...

* Well, it was probably a good idea to look away quite a while ago, given the amount of food that makes its way on here, and its rarely healthy properties. But if you are still here, I’m very pleased to have you!

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