The Morning After The Night Before

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Some people recover from a night of partying with a mug of strong coffee. Others, with a bacon and egg roll. Whether you sleep off the after-effects or avoid them in the first place, New Year’s Day tends to be involve some interesting food.

So this seemed like both a tasty and a practical option – Christmas pudding ice cream...

Christmas pudding ice cream from Citrus & Candy
Christmas pudding ice cream from Citrus & Candy

It uses up some of that lurking residual pudding.
It’s indulgent, but the greasiness of the breakfast fry-up is replaced with a more refreshing coolness to balance out the rich, fruity flavours.
It’s a great option on a hot day.
And, depending on how you make your pudding, it could maybe even qualify as a hair of the dog. Just think of it as a change from the bloody mary...

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