I’m So Tired Of Waking Up Tired

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Reluctrance – a glazed state brought on by a lack of desire to focus on something, especially something productive

When you have to go back to work after days of pootling round in bare feet and a carefree (and dishevelled) manner, snacking vaguely when the urge takes you, making spontaneous plans and taking long walks and, of course, doing lots of baking for anybody who stands still long enough to be offered a brownie...

When it feels like the end of a very abbreviated summer holiday and a slide into (eep!) reality is imminent... no, make that is here...

There’s only one thing for it. Especially if you want to get up on time...

Completely Bonkers Raccoon with alarm clock from The Fox And The Polar Bear
Picture from The Fox And The Polar Bear on Flickr

Yep, you need a completely bonkers racoon with a loud alarm clock and a total disregard for sleeping polar bears penguins.

Wake up and welcome to 2011!

Kellie Collis on January 5, 2011 at 6:00 AM

Wishing you all the best for the New Year! Kellie xx

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