Crunch Time

Saturday, January 8, 2011

There are all sorts of uses for cornflakes as crunchy toppings. And I’m not averse to some crunch in a burger, either (I use Panko in mine). But something about this just doesn’t quite sit right with me... Rice krispy burgers.

Rice krispy burgers
Rice krispy burgers from Craftzine

If I stop and think about it, it makes a lot of sense – the crunch, the texture, the convenient size, the wheat-free angle. But my top-of-mind thought was of something half-way between a burger and a rice krispy treat (those marshmallowy things). Not good. Not good at all.

Perhaps it's a sign of some of the strange recipes I’ve been coming across (or coming up with) lately that even something innocent can initially appear peculiar. Gutter thinking for food bloggers?

Cooking rule #73 – not everything has to relate to baking and indulgence. Most things. But not quite everything...

And somebody, somewhere, breaks every single rule. Several of them at once in these, I suspect. Bacon rice krispy treats...

Browned butter candied bacon rice krispy treats
Browned butter candied bacon rice krispy treats from Cook Eat Play Repeat

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