The Perfect Cup (Of Tea?)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

This might be the first piece of sculpture* (can it be sculpture if it’s not actually sculpted? What on earth is three-dimensional art supposed to be called?) that I’ve had a real longing for, rather than just a passing fancy and admiration...

Teacup: John Lumbus

Art that combines tea and overreaction? It sounds almost made to measure... all that’s missing is a little blue penguin (maybe in a pair of sparkly heels) bobbing up and down on a wave of occasional panic and wildly unnecessary over-excitement!

And it was just so very appropriate for today, as there is afternoon tea... and hopefully not a single, solitary over-reacting penguin. I'm just hoping that it's not going to be a case of the tea today, and the storm tomorrow, though.

* It has already been variously blogged around the interwebs, but was just far, far too quirkily perfect to pass up...

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