Travelling Light...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

When somebody tells me I can’t (whether that’s in the sense of mustn’t, oughtn’t or - worst of all - wouldn’t be able to) do something, it’s like a red rag to a bull bolshie cow... Except it appears that an exception has at last been found...

Penguins do not travel light. Penguins like to make sure they are covered for every eventuality, unlikely occurrence, conceivable detour or one-in-a-million random requirement. And have a choice of outfits to wear. So, much as I’d love to be one of those light-footed types casually swinging a squishy leather overnight bag as I skip past the baggage carousel, with the fluorescent lights sparking off my golden hair, my silk scarf fluttering gaily in the frosty air-conditioning and a waggle of beagles left helplessly in thrall in my wake, this is unlikely to ever eventuate.

Picture: Fancy and Fondant on Etsy 

This one is, I think, far more appropriate for a waddling penguin huffling down the endless corridors common to all airports, trying not to drop a trail of extra magazines behind her and worrying that she forgot her cardigan and that she didn’t eat her apple and will thus be accosted by a boggle of beagles...

Picture: Fancy and Fondant on Etsy

This is when I also realise that penguins need bigger beaks... rather than small beaks that make a lot of noise...

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