If The Postman Rings Twice, Who Rings Three Times?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Something about this card strikes me as unutterably Jasper Fforde . There’s a little of the incongruous-combination-of-things about it, but it just works. Overanalysis isn’t likely to shed any further light on it. If you really need to understand, just call the Rhino. I’m sure he must know...

Picture: Fancy and Fondant on Etsy (what a tasty name!)

I think it might be to do with the link between the minotaur (of murderous persuasions) and the rhino... Definitely over the analysis now!

If you don’t want to have to pick up the phone to call the Rhino, it might be handy to have one conveniently situated. Like this, for instance...

Picture: Rice via Madame Fancy Pants (another brilliantly named shop)

Just don't expect the Minotaur to approve...

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