Black And White And...*

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

... In another brief diversion from usual penguin-like food-and-random-thoughts postings (Eep! Reality is sneaking in around the cracks!), last weekend there was a four-day trip** to the Hunter Valley prompted by the wedding of some close friends.

So, while detouring, I though I'd share this rather unusual terrace house (in Melbourne) via Desire To Inspire...

It reminded them, and me, of a wedding cake, and was particularly suited following a very classy black and white colour schemes, so seemed a fitting way to say congratulations to the newlyweds!

And I love the match of the wrought iron work with these iced cookies...

Picture: Montreal Confections on Flickr

* Black and white and wed all over... (hiding those bad puns in the footnotes might make them clang slightly less. Might...
** It was actually a long weekend - much as I'd be thrilled beyond belief if four days of weekend could be squished into the available two days of time, I haven't found a way to make that happen yet (Yet?! Well, have to stay optimistic about these things...).

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