That Sinking Feeling

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Disconcerto – music that gives you a distinctly unsettled feeling...

Jaws movie poster
Picture: Jaws movie poster via

Perhaps these are the solution?

furry earmuffs
Earmuffs: via La Vie Jaime (last year's Monsoon)

Although, given the current warm stickiness pervading Sydney, I suspect those are more indicative of my hankering after recently-departed colder climes. Penguin by name, penguin by nature.

Which prompts a confession, and maybe a small apology, for six weeks of scheduled posts - I've just returned from gallumphing far and wide on a thoroughly enjoyable, thoroughly gluttonous honeymoon. And so will try to tend to my poor semi-abandoned blog a little more regularly in person! The confession / apology is thus accompanied by a warning about the glut(tony) of eating-while-abroad posts about to be unleashed...

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