Twinset Not Required

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I’m not good with pearls. Some people look gorgeous in them, and either channel a wonderfully ladylike sensibility without crossing into Stepford wife territory, or can do a modern interpretation that really does look edgy and not just like a clanging discordant element, or something picked up in the $2 shop (notwithstanding that it probably cost the price of a large car, at least). I’m not one of them. I look, at best, like an escapee from Lost in Austen and, at worst, much more foolish than that.

Faux pearls seem to be an even harder look to get away with. But these faux pearls are something else entirely...

Necklace: Tickette on Etsy

There’s something very Tom Binns about this necklace, and I love how it adds a sense of humour and a different interpretation without sacrificing its visual appeal. Not one to wear with a tea dress and kitten heels, though...

Necklace: Tom Binns via Jewel Salon

Also, not the sort of thing likely to be seen adorning the queen (not the English one, anyway)...

Necklace: Tom Binns via Flibbertigibet Girls

I wonder if there’s somewhere that will customise anybody’s doodling into jewellery – that might be the motivation I need to pick up a pencil...

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