I Know Mices Come In Different Sizes

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Panda: Fred Flare via She's Dreaming

I had sworn that I wasn’t going to have a blog where I posted things that I’d seen on other blogs (ha! Surely that is part of the point of having a blog, as I am finding out...). But then, I came across this. And for somebody with a bit of a thing about (a) homewares and (secondly) animals, this was just too good to resist...

It reminds me of tare panda, which I also think is ridiculously cute. Like a cross between a panda and a drop scone...
Picture: Eru Or Loron on Flickr

I love the look on tare panda's face - a sort of perplexed resignation. "Well, I'm in a heap. Not much doing about that, now."

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