Yee Ha!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Wow, it's been quite a while! There's been a little more going on in the penguin corner of the world that was quite expected*. Rather than try to cram an explanation of the goings-on into the unwieldy vessel of an ill-chosen analogy (for once), this cake sums it up much more effectively...

Rollercoaster cake from Hey Cookie
Rollercoaster cake from Hey Cookie (and the Mazel Tov Will isn't an obscure part of the analogy, by the way)

Except that, if a specific rollercoaster were to be chosen as representative of the past few weeks, it'd be Space Mountain, where you're strapped in and hurtle through the dark with no idea what's coming next and when it's ending. And then you get to the end and line up, on unsteady feet, to go again!**

Hopefully, normal programming is about to resume. With recipes. And pictures. And something resembing an occasional articulate thought. And a sticky penguin keeling over from shock... But you never know what's around the next bend...

* Which is a right pain - planned madness allows for scheduled blog posts, whereas unplanned madness results in radio silence or, potentially, actual madness if attempting to be in ten places at once. What was it about needing minions? Butler! Fetch me my minions!

** Also much like Space Mountain, I suspect it'll seem a whole lot tamer with the benefit of a bit of time and the benefit of hindsight...

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