A Slight Misunderstanding

Thursday, April 21, 2011

When I said I needed cake minions, what I meant was that I needed a troupe (just a small one would do) of general spatula-wielders, icing stirrers and washer-uppers. This wasn't quite what I had in mind...

Minion cakes (a la Despicable Me) from Emilie Handmade

Even if they don't clean the kitchen and generally do my bidding, I do think they're pretty cool! And that's without having seen the film...

Today is, in fact, a day of wishing for just about any variety of minions, cake-related or otherwise. Bit of a big day in the real world. Looking forward to a return to sanity (or at least the usual level of slight eccentricity) over the Easter break. Hope you all have a good - and slightly eccentric - one, too!

chocolatesuze on April 22, 2011 at 9:58 PM

bahahaha i love minions! lol happy easter!

Sonia on May 9, 2011 at 8:57 AM

Hi THERE,Lovely troup of minions and pisa towers of icecream is just AMAZING....cheers, sonia !

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