No Chintz

Monday, April 18, 2011

If I started out unconvinced by icing transfers, I'd now like to eat my words. And my cake. Especially if my cake happened to be this one...

Cupcake with icing transfer by Hello Frosting
Cupcake with icing transfer by Hello Frosting on The Underground Ferris Wheel (which is such a wonderful evocatively whimsical name, too)

And if I could eat if while perched elegantly on a botanical print chair, with a cup of tea beside me (perhaps on a stack of magazines set on lime-washed floor boards, looking out to a balcony), then that would be very good indeed...

Butterfly chair by Tortie Hoare
Butterfly chair by Tortie Hoare from via Sunday In Bed (which is less whimsical a name, but an excellent idea)

Can you perch elegantly and eat a cupcake, though? Or is it better suited to curling up in a comfy corner and digging in?

The manner of eating cupcakes brought back to me that, when I was at uni, and used to eat a luridly pink-iced cupcake for lunch for days than was probably wise, I used to eat my cupcake upside down. It began with peeling off the wrapper, and nibbling my way through the vanilla sponge in anticipation of ending with the glossy icing. This might be another reason I prefer buttercream inside cakes, rather than on top of them, as it makes the turning upside down rather messy. I wonder if an icing transfer would fix this, though...

Do you have particular rituals for eating cakes?

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