Take All The Fun Out

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Every week*, I seem to find a new quote that I love. There’s an ever-increasing list of them, including some that come beautifully printed and that I would love to hang on the wall. Although there are so many that I’d need a bit of a revolving door of them. Or to get the hang of those walls with lots of pictures in different shapes and sizes – another one of those things that looks wonderful in magazines and blogs, but would look all sorts of wrong if I tried it in my apartment...

Picture: Domino via Shelter

As well as quotes though, there’s a bit of a current trend for “instructive” posters. Like those keep calm ones. Some of them are so silly as to keep a satisfying level of recalcitrance about themselves...

Picture: John W Golden on Etsy

But others just risk being taken entirely too seriously. Or actually being that serious. This one, while it gave me the giggles, was one of those...

Picture: 3 Lambs Graphics on Etsy

And this one is just never going to happen...

Picture: Pedlars

I think if I saw one of those in somebody’s house, I’d be thinking of escaping out the bathroom window. It’s one of those signs**. Like men wearing white socks with black shoes. No how, no way.

Couldn’t resist a few more art walls. Just because...

Picture: Domino via Shelter

Picture: We Heart It via Belle Maison

Picture: Country Homes & Interiors via House To Home

Of course, art walls and keeping calm aren't mutually exclusive...

Picture: Productivity Goal

* Sometimes ever day, but then I know I’m being Far Too Unproductive...
** Literally, of course, but also figuratively.

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