If You Can't Have Tea With The Queen

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Many distracting things can be found on Tastespotting*. I didn’t expect one of those interesting things to be a penguin, though. And not just any penguin... this one actually dunks your teabag in your tea for you. For the proper amount of time (a punctual penguin – just imagine).

Picture: via Around Britain With A Paunch

Much as I love the idea, I suspect it would be entirely wasted on the likes of me who make their tea by showing a mug of boiling water a teabag for the briefest of moments**. Unless that penguin moves quicker than his waddling cousins!

* It’s my new version of Flickr, but with fewer random happy snaps and bits-you-don’t-want, and lots of links to undiscovered blogs.
** Or come over all tea-snob and actually bother to use loose leaf. Always seems so much more effortful than it actually is. Maybe I need a penguin who actually makes the tea for me...

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella on July 21, 2010 at 9:51 PM

Haha as an avid tea drinker I love that penguin although I do like my tea quite weak!

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