It's Right Where You Left It

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Everybody stop looking!

The snark was trapped inside a notebook all this time. Never mind the forks and hope – you just need to look on Etsy to catch your snark...

Picture: Subu on Etsy

Next time, just remember where you put it before you wander off. After all, your snark is always in the last place you left it (often with your car keys, or else it's fallen down the back of the couch).

If, on the other hand, too many snarks are never enough*, then there is Just The Place For A Snark, which has brilliant illustrations, and possibly the best blog post titles ever. Really.

* Is that possible? I have a sneaking suspicion that there is (or isn't, as the case may be) only one snark...

Mahendra Singh on July 12, 2010 at 12:14 AM

Thank you for the kind mention of my ever so 'umble Snark blog, greatly appreciated … and since you seem to enjoy a good meal, I would like to reciprocate the favor by directing your attention this this recipe for Snark curry, right here … if you enjoy Indian food and Snark hunting and also detest spending too much time in the ktchen, I think this recipe will fit the bill! Cheers!

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