Never Stop Waffling

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I’m a sucker for a nifty kitchen gadget. Those sorts of things that seem like such a brilliant (or, from time to time, even just mildly clever) idea that you desperately want one. Until you remember that (a) if you get them all, you will have no space to fit into your kitchen and probably very little money left to actually buy food to cook with and (b) they tend to be a time saving (or sometimes a “time saving”) way to do something that can actually be done already, and that would feel far more satisfying to do the long-hand way*.

But even after all the caveats and (ahem) waffling, I still thought this was kinda cool...

Picture: via The Kitchn

It makes little waffle cups. I know I’ve never had a need to make waffle cups before, but they look so cute. And so much less hassle than just, say, making a tart case. Having been completely, utterly converted to the enormous usefulness of a panini press earlier in the year**, I’m an even bigger sucker for a heat-it-and-flatten-it gadget.

And not all heat-and-flatten gadgets are the same - think of it as the different between a GHD and a curling tong, if you will...

* At least to people with perfectionistic leanings. Who don’t like making life easier for themselves. No idea who they are, those people...
** It seemed like something that risked taking up counter space. Now it has entirely superceded the toaster and, in dire need, the frying pan and the oven, too. Love the panini press...

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