What's For Dessert?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

We’ve had cupcakes (oh, and how). We’ve had doughnuts (just a scattering so far, but it may be building). We’re having macarons in the most extraordinary way (especially when Masterchef got going on them). And when we’re worn out from all of those, and have stopped clutching our bulging tummies... what next?

How about éclairs?

Picture: Tartelette

They have all the potential for the Next Big Thing...

Picture: Simon Food Favourites

... able to be done in an enormous variety of colours and flavours

Picture: Yuichi.Sakuraba on Flickr

... beautiful to photograph

Picture: Serious Eats

... a little tricky to make well , so there’s a sense of accomplishment in mastering them (or finding somewhere else that does!)

Picture: The Puff List

... and, most importantly, delicious!

Picture: Anne's Food

I’ve recently discovered Christophe Adam and his amazing creations for Fauchon. These are definitely setting the ultimate standard in beautiful éclairs...

Picture: Fauchon

They just look so perfect...

Picture: Le Blog Ou Le Gout Se Fait Beau

Simon Leong on July 10, 2010 at 11:50 AM

wow the Le Blog Ou Le Gout Se Fait Beau look amazing. nothing like the plain looking one from bacco :-) i wish sydney had amazing looking ones like those to buy and photograph.

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