Unexpected Ideas (Quack)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

For very many years indeed, every winter one of my friends and I decide to go for cassoulet. This usually goes something along the lines of... "Duck season!" "Rabbit season!" "Cassoulet season!!". And then, every year, we fail to go. Scheduling nightmare, much?

While contemplating cassoulet, I came across two interesting alternatives...

Firstly, canned confit...

Picture: The Kitchn

For some highly infuriating reason, this is now turning itself into a little ditty in my mind, along the lines of a dodgy riff on Jamiroquai's Canned Heat. But of course. And if you thought it was dangerous ending up on the couch with a packet of Tim Tams or a box of breakfast cereal (moi?), imagine having tins of duck in the pantry...

And secondly, vegetarian confit...

Picture: Smitten Kitchen

This sounds like it might be an oxymoron. But not, it is truly lacking a duck (a smattering of pig doesn't count*). And it doesn't look bad (although it would, in my view, look better with a duck).

Perhaps this year, there will be a cassoulet. A real one... Because it is definitely cassoulet season again.

* Oh god! Did I really just imply that pork is a vegetable. The evil plan of a certain friend of mine to take over the world appears to be working. You with the yum cha, you know who you are!

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