There's No Place Like Home

Thursday, April 1, 2010

One of the things I love about pottering around on blogs is the beautiful and / or unusual and / or tasty things, and the interesting ways they are described. The flip-side to that is when something appears on everybody’s blog (yes, guilty as charged...) or when the descriptions give you a sense of déjà vu at every turn.

It brings to mind a bad pun in French involving earthworms and glasses of wine... un verre ca va, trios verres, bonjour le degats... By the third time you come across that quirky photo or saying, you’re just about quirked to pieces.

When Dorothy was so shocked by lions, tigers and bears (because you’d have to be in Oz – or a zoo – to get all of those in one place), I bet she never thought how many bloggers she might be inspiring. If there are three interesting things to be described, there will be an ‘oh my’ just waiting to follow...

Rome and Florence and Paris - oh my!
Wings and tails and beaks - oh my!
Donkeys and chickens and monkeys - oh my!
Brussels and mussels and beer - oh my!
Seals and penguins and whales - oh my!
Candied pecans and ganache and caramel - oh my!

Phwoof! For it to work at all, it really needs there to be a good sort of flow between the words... “nuclear physics and chesterfield sofas and chorizo tortillas, oh my!”, for instance, just doesn’t stand much of a chance.

One of the things with ‘oh my’ is it’s disingenuousness... it’s the kind of thing that gets said when something is just so gosh-darn-wow-diddly-umptious that you really might need a well-placed expletive, but that just wouldn’t be proper...

If karma reads blogs, I reckon there’s a house about to fall on top of me right about now... *

Picture: Starsprinkles on Flickr
* and if it did, it would have ballroom shoes poking out, instead of sequinned shoes...

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