Say It Isn't So (Oink)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Picture: The Joy Of Cooking

After the recent discovery of bacon fat popcorn, I came across this. Bacon fat caramels. Is it the start of a new trend?

Perhaps it's a way to minimise waste - a variation on nose-to-(curly)-tail eating*. Perhaps it's just that it's being highlighted, whereas back in the "olden days", there was dripping, suet and so on and so forth just quietly included in things.

Maybe suprisingly, it looks pretty tasty. Although the combination is perhaps a little reminiscent of the US may of serving French toast - with maple syrup and bacon. Which I just can't quite get my head around - possibly this has to do with French toast, in my mind, being inextricably paired with tomato ketchup. I'm already flinching for the howls of protest!

* Eep! Did I really just get hyphens and parentheses in one (attempted) word?

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