
Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Fox And The Polar Bear might just be the best thing I can remember coming across online ever. Which is a pretty big call. There are things you sometimes find where you wish you’d thought of it before somebody else did, because you know you think you could have. And there are other things where you are just happy that they were thought of at all. And a gluttonous, tempestuous polar bear with slightly questionable ethics... well, that is a bear after my own heart! Is it possible to be reincarnated as a very opinionated plush animal? (It's not just the photos - the stories that go with each one are like whole little episode... just fantastic!).

For a variety of reasons (some more justified than others), there seems to have been a crashing fall off the bandwagon of self-control lately. Easter. Baking to procrastinate. The sudden and pressing need to sample almost every Italian restaurant within a reasonable radius of Paddington (no, really!).

This seems like just the sort of thing that makes complete sense when taking the in-for-a-penny-in-for-a-pound approach to that bandwagon. Not quite a deep fried Mars bar, but very probably almost as lethal...

But this would be the sensible approach to take to all those crème eggs... 

Picture: The Fox and the Polar Bear on Flickr

Listen to the polar bear, and step away from the crème eggs...

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