(First) Impressionism

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sometimes, you come across a book with such a fabulous title (or cover, perhaps), that you desperately want to read it, but have the lurking worry that it might all be downhill from there...

This definitely gave such cause for concern – very thankfully highly unfounded, and the start of an ongoing obsession ever since*:

 This, much more recently, also gave itself very big shoes to fill (and for me, filled them):

Blogs create a whole new potential for anticipation (and potential disappointment). When I came across hovering cat, I was convinced the name was surely going to be the best bit. And I was very pleasantly surprised by the mixture of interesting and unexpected bits and pieces to be found...

There’s always room for more unusual animals. And Brendan Wenzel's tapir has such a great look on its face.

This is just begging to be painted blue...

 And this, even with branding, is just brilliant!

* There is currently the new one being looked forward to in eager anticipation (and concern that it might be another version of something else).

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