Temporary Identity Crisis

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The grass can be greener on the other side... of the iceberg. Sometimes, a penguin can be a bit uncertain about whether a dinner suit really is always the best sartorial selection, and if they might like an occasional change from  sashimi for dinner. Maybe other creatures are having far more fun (or at least being more glamorous and with a more interesting dinner)?

This is when a penguin wonders...

All of which is a very thinly disguised effort to make general squee! noises about having discovered a website which has a font made of llamas. Of llamas! What more could you possibly want to randomly discover on a bucketingly wet Saturday afternoon? Well, perhaps an endless tray of brownies and that the spare bedroom has been taken over by speculoos spread and the Kate Spade fall collection. As neither of those is the slightest bit likely, I'll settle quite happily for the llamas...

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