Food With Bite - A Banana Blog

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

There's nothing like scarcity to increase appeal. Bananas are usually, if not quite literally a dime a dozen, at least sufficiently plentiful and cheap as to seem a little pedestrian, especially when there are berries and stone fruit to be had. Now they're up at well over $10 a kilo, suddenly there are all sorts of banana recipes I want to try, and buying bananas to let them go squishy and stick them into recipes seems a little extravagant (in an impractical-yet-mundane way, rather than a purple handbag sort of way).

Which means that delicious possibilities like banana bread ice cream will just have to wait a bit longer...

Banana bread ice cream with peanut butter and stracciatella from Guilty Kitchen

There's also a banana upside down cake by David Lebovitz which is also calling my name loudly from a lurking corner of the kitchen. And as soon as I went hunting for the link to it, another one (with mocha frosting and caramelised peanuts) was added to an ever-growing list. Oh, how I need to christen that lovely shiny new copy of Ready for Dessert...

Bananas might have become such an indulgence that they're not going to put on stripy PJs for less than $10,000 a day. Maybe it's time for a new approach...

Piranhas in Pyjamas!

Whether it's the perfect solution to get kids to eat more fish, or a way to make the naughty corner seem like a pile of cupcakes and rainbows, I can't quite decide. Although either mightn't be a bad thing...

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