Harrumph! Tweet! Yum! Eating Those Angry Birds

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A confession: I had no idea what angry birds were until I saw them on a cake. And then I got curious, and googled. And dowloaded. And played. And discovered a new and addictive form of procrastination. And then (when the iPhone battery went flat) I discovered just how much food out there was inspired by those cranky featherballs.

There are bento boxes...

Angry Birds bento box from My Meal Box
Angry Birds bento box from My Meal Box

And cheeses...

Angry Birds Babybel from Cute Food For Kids
Angry Bird Babybel from Cute Food For Kids (who has a round-up of other grumpy eats, too)

And lots...

Angry Birds cupcakes from Aunty Yochana
Angry Birds cupcakes from Aunty Yochana

And lots...

Angry Birds cake from Copacabanya
Angry Birds cake from Copacabanya (Anya Richardson) (via Fonatic71)

Of cakes...

Angry Birds tiered cake by Laura Finlay
Angry Birds tiered cake by Laura Finlay for That Takes The Cake! (via Snarkygurl)

There's even a playable version...

Playable Angry Birds cake from Electric Pig
Playable Angry Birds cake from Electric Pig
Angry Birds cake (before and after) from Electric Pig. Now that's a combination of form and function!

And the pigs don't get off scot-free either...

Angry Birds pork rinds from Think Geek
Angry Birds pork rinds (because it always comes back to bacon) from Think Geek

And Banksy's, well, been Banksy-ed by the angry birds, too (not just the polka dots!)...

Angry Birdsky by Brandon Ortwein via Design Fetish
"Angry Birdsky" by Brandon Ortwein (via Design Fetish)

What's going to be next - Skyburgers? Maybe after all the kerfuffle in the media about the KFC Double Down it's just a matter of time...

djazz on May 14, 2011 at 10:04 PM

LOVE IT!!! My kids are wanting a angry birds birthday. I was surfing to find ideas and your site popped up. Awesome job!

Anonymous –  on July 17, 2011 at 8:12 AM

my little brother is going to flip out when we get him an angry birds cake like this!
thanks a bunch, this is awesome!

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