Down To Earth

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Is anything really possible? While hard work, practice and serendipity* can bring many things within your grasp, others seem to defy the laws of nature and physics. But perhaps it’s just a matter of perspective. After all, if penguins can find ways to fly...

Penguin astronaught print from Toni Garcia on Flickr

If these flying penguins wanted to call my place home, I’d be very happy about it...

Penguin mobile from Flensted Mobiles on Design Quest

And, if penguins can fly, surely it can be possible to bake seven impossible things before (or just for) breakfast! Perhaps if a penguin runs fast around the kitchen fast enough, centrifugal force will eventually propel them into flight...

* Or, depending on your personal views and levels of cynicism, good fortune or sheer dumb luck...

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