One Step Closer To...

Monday, June 21, 2010

If I had much more of a thing about custard, I might be risking falling into a Tom Holt book...

Picture: Food Makes Me Happy (custard, in particular, makes me very happy!)

If custard isn't the fifth element (and that would account for a lot), it should at least be the fifth food group. Which is why my recent discovery of a new kind of pastry is exciting...

Picture:Paris Patisseries

Because it’s not just crème patissiere... it’s flavoured crème patissiere...

Picture: ThomasBui7 on Flickr

They are called religieuses, and are a relative of the éclair . The intriguing name is apparently due to their original colour resembling a nun’s habit (which was unexpected, as I was sure it had to be to do with the shape).

Picture: Sifu Renka on Flickr

Think I am in need of a religieuse experience*....

Picture: Laduree via The Kitchn

* Arguably, I’m in need of any kind of experience that puts a stop to the awful puns.

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