On The Run From Breakfast

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

People can be very particular about when they eat breakfast. It might have to be before getting ready, or not until after a good hot shower. Some like to exercise beforehand, others need at least one cup of coffee. A few (and a good many more on weekends, I reckon) don’t even like it to be in the morning. For me, weekday breakfast only ever happens once I get to work. It’s never as late as mid-morning, but I much prefer to be at least almost (and preferably completely) awake before greeting food for the day.

This cupcake looks like the perfect iced excuse...

Cupcake from Abbie Tabbie (I know, it's becoming an obsession, but they're just brilliant!)

“Of course I had cereal for breakfast!”. The fact that I also ate the crockery, the tablecloth and a decent quantity of icing and fluffy vanilla sponge is entirely irrelevant. I wonder if there’s a version with that bowl of cornflakes sitting beside a computer monitor and an unruly pile of papers (overseen by an equally unruly penguin, perhaps!).

It seems* that there are far more specifics and quirks about breakfast than any other meal. Are you a picky breakfaster too? What are your morning munching rituals?

* On the highly unscientific straw polls on which I base blog-related inquiries (other than baking, where as many hungry folks willing to exchange opinions for sticky treats are welcomed wholeheartedly!).

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