
Friday, March 11, 2011

Whichever way you slice it, Spam just exudes dodginess. More than a canapé hedgehog of cheese and cabanossi impaled on cocktail sticks and arranged in half an orange (glacé cherries for eyes optional). More than blancmange, or even than junket (insert quivering shudder here). Definitely more than fondue (some things never go out of style! Especially with cheese...).

Canape hedgehog from A Table For Two
Canapé hedgehog (with antipasto - yum!) from A Table For Two 

Attempts to update, disguise or just make Spam more palatable seem a bit like putting lipstick redcurrant jus on a (fake) pig. But this Spam musubi is surprisingly eye-catching – I like how it works with the shape (although it might need a lot of wasabi!)...

Spam musubi from Jun-Blog
Spam musubi from Jun-Blog

Wasabit: the merest smear of wasabi able to be enjoyed by a chilli wuss

And, in case that’s not enough daftness, let me leave you with Steamy Kitchen’s ode to spam, and the immortal Monty Python sketch. That’s one bit of spam I don’t mind in my inbox.

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